Ouray Christian Fellowship

Children's Ministry

Where the hope and truth of the Good News is announced

Kidz Zone is a Sunday morning activity center for children

Kidz Zone is our Sunday morning activity center for children

We love having children worship and learn about God with the rest of the congregation during our Sunday morning services. That is why we enjoy keeping the kiddos with us while we sing a few songs, then after our announcements, we’ll release them to our Kids Zone on the west side of the sanctuary.

Kidz Zone is an activity center and manned by adult helpers, where our children can color or do crafts while we listen to the sermon.

Kids Club is our weekly gathering for children ages K-5th

Kids Club is an exciting, after school program for kids K-5th

Every Tuesday (following the school calendar) from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, we invite youngsters K-5th to come and enjoy an engaging Bible lesson, snacks, games, and activities. We typically separate the kids into two groups: younger and older, ensuring age-appropriate activities and lessons.

Kids Club is completely free!

*Please note that it is not a peanut-free environment

Parents – please register your kids in advance so we can prepare to include them.
(We have an option for you to drop your kids off or have us pick them up from school)

Kids Club needs You!

We welcome volunteers to help with various tasks, including snack preparation and assisting during Club. Volunteers should arrive by 3:20 PM.

Help us show the next generation the love of Christ. Email us at ouraycfinfo@gmail.com to get involved.